Dog Names and Breeds

You may not consider yourself the type to get dog strollers, but it could actually help your pet. If your dog is prone to anxiety in large crowds or around any new people, pet strollers allow you to ease your dog into the situation without causing too much stress.

Why does your dog get stressed? There are two major sources of canine anxiety: separation and over-stimulation. The first occurs when you leave for work or to go anywhere without your dog and in response, your dog freaks out and causes destruction and even injury. The other is what causes most anxiety outside the home.

Dogs have a heightened sense of smell and hearing, so you may underestimate how much your dog actually experiences when you take him out to an unfamiliar place with lots of people. So many smells fill the air and sounds can be heard -- many dogs love all the excitement, but for smaller dogs or breeds prone to anxiety, this can be more like a nightmare.

Dog strollers can help by providing a layer of protection to your dog when you take him out. He can still see out, if you let him, and can have the protective screen lowered so no one will reach in to pet him without asking. By giving your dog a hiding spot from all the people, he may grow more accustomed to public places and events. Pet strollers have the added advantage of being useful for many years, especially when compared to human baby strollers, which are quickly outgrown.

One of the most crucial things that a dog owner needs to know is that a dog has its place at the bottom of the pack. Because dogs are pack animals they will see the family group as their pack, your dog has to recognize that you are the leader of the pack and needs to keep in his place. Dogs that know their place in the hierarchy are usually much happier animals. In order to teach a dog its place in the pack, you will need to be calm but firm in how you handle things. Punishing aggressive behavior in a dog is actually counter productive and can make them more aggressive.

The time to teach your dog what is unacceptable behavior is when they are at the puppy stage and most experts believe that the critical age for training is before they are six months old. Most puppies nip and have to be trained not to, if your puppy is biting then you need to tell it No in a very firm voice, then put the dog in a room and close the door for about a minute. This early behavior modification helps the dog to learn what is expected. In training sessions reward your puppy when it picks up and bites the training toy, if it tries to nip your fingers, and then tell it no in a firm voice, and put the training toy in place.

An increasing amount of pet owners are choosing to cremate their dogs after they have died. There are a wide variety of options for bringing your dog's ashes home. From simple to ornate, there are many urns to honor your best friend for the rest of your days.

Traditional wood urns are a simple, cost effective way to honor your pet. Available in a variety of hardwoods, you can personalize your companion's urn by ordering a personalized name plate. These classic urns bring dignity to the friend who loved you until the end.

Memory urns offer a more personalized approach to remembering your pet. Often equipped with a lock and key, this urn style provides a more delicate resting place for your friend with felt-covered interiors. Additional features can include storage space for special pictures of happier days with your dog.

Photo urns are a very popular choice of pet owners. Your dog's gentle face can be proudly displayed at the front of this urn, reminding you of the special soul that graced your life.

Ceramic, vase-like urns are an alternative to traditional wooden urns. This urn type can offer an elegantly understated resting place for your dog. Place this urn on your mantle as an eternal resting place for your friend.

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